Privacy statement
LEIK AS is obliged to process personal data from its users in a responsible manner. Here you can read about how we collect, use and protect information about our users of (with associated websites) and LEIK AS's other digital channels and services.
Cookies and analysis tools
LEIK AS uses various analysis tools and stores information (cookies) on (and related websites). Cookies are small text files that our websites store on your computer so that we can recognize you as a user and provide you with customized content and services when you visit our websites. The information cookies do not contain any personal data.
By visiting our website you agree that we use cookies so that we can give you a better user experience.
We use the following analysis tools and third-party solutions:
Google Analytics
Facebook Analytics
Google Tag Manager is used to organize and manage scripts that run on our websites.
We store the following cookies:
Handled by: LEIK AS
Used to recognize the user and offer a personalized experience on our websites, such as when you log in to My page.
Handled by: LEIK knitwear and external suppliers. Used in Google Analytics to record and analyze visitor statistics on our websites. The information stored in Google Analytics does not contain identifiable personal data, but aggregated statistics about the users' movements and behavior on the websites. We use this information to understand how visitors experience the website and to improve and further develop our information offer.
Registration of visitor statistics in Google Analytics anonymises your IP address
Facebook Pixel (see Facebook's cookie policy)
Processed by: LEIK AS, Facebook and our partners. We use the Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel to track and improve our marketing campaigns on Facebook. Read more about advertisements on Facebook and how you can adjust your personal settings on Facebook yourself.
Use and forwarding of personal data
LEIK AS is obliged to process personal data from its customers and users in a responsible manner, in accordance with the Personal Protection Act.
LEIK AS takes digital security seriously. All exchanges of personal data are sent encrypted with so-called SSL. The exchange of credit card information when paying online is handled by our providers of payment solutions.